What You Want in an Outdoor Kitchen Contractor

Read along below to learn more about what to look for specifically in your outdoor kitchen contractor.
An outdoor kitchen is an increasingly-popular home addition these days, and for good reason. This can become a lasting “legacy” project that yields years of pride and enjoyment. As a homeowner, you’ll want your outdoor kitchen done right the first time, of course, so that stands the test of time. To this end, choosing an experienced and knowledgeable outdoor kitchen contractor is absolutely crucial. They have the expertise to recommend the best features/amenities for creating long-lasting kitchen setups and long-lasting impressions.
Read along below to learn more about what to look for specifically in your outdoor kitchen contractor.
Researching Outdoor Kitchen Contractors
Before beginning your search for outdoor kitchen contractors, consider conducting online research to gain insights into other homeowners’ experiences with them. Look for reviews on websites like Google that don’t allow businesses to modify their reviews. Avoid contractors who were late to appointments, dragged out the build process, or fly-by-night contractors who didn’t return to address build issues.
The Benefits of Experience
The more experienced the contractor, the better your outdoor kitchen build outcome will be. A seasoned builder has seen it all and can provide better insights into any unforeseen events that may occur in the future, such as material shifts, cracking or peeling of concrete countertops, grills, and appliances that won’t last in your environment, and settling of base materials. It is best to work with an outdoor kitchen contractor with at least 25 outdoor kitchens under their belt and a minimum of three years of experience in specifically building outdoor kitchens.
Reviewing Portfolios
While reviewing an outdoor kitchen contractor’s portfolio, keep in mind that it is a best-case scenario. A professional photographer, perfect lighting, and photoshoots that occur shortly after the outdoor kitchen is built can make a significant difference. You may also want to visit an outdoor kitchen build months or even years after it was built to see how it has held up over time and speak directly with the homeowner about their experience with the build.
Designing the Perfect Outdoor Kitchen—with a Bit of Assistance
There’s a wide selection of build materials, cabinet styles, grill technology, and appliance selections available on the market to help make this achievable. From an ultra-modern aluminum outdoor kitchen built to last decades of harsh weather to sleek stainless steel outdoor kitchens, there is a cabinet style and build material that will perfectly match both your style and your budget. A reputable outdoor kitchen contractor will have an outdoor kitchen showroom, allowing you to touch and feel different cabinet styles, grills, and appliances.
Closing Thoughts
The US is currently experiencing a veritable “outdoor kitchen revolution,” with more and more homeowners looking to situate for themselves a sanctuary, of sorts—respite from the often-wearisome ways of the world. A professional can expertly help you carve such a niche to your exact specifications—just be sure to vet your contractor thoroughly beforehand.
Contact Sposato Landscape
For over 25 years, Sposato Landscaping has been beautifying and nurturing countless landscapes throughout the Delmarva area. We offer many services, including landscape design, installations, residential maintenance, hardscape, commercial maintenance, and turf nutrient management.
Visit our website to see what we can do for you, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and YouTube.