Plant Watering Tips You Should Use This Spring Season

Plant Watering Tips You Should Use This Spring Season

Read along below for some incredibly useful plant watering tips.

Watering the plants may seem about as simple a gardening duty as one could be tasked with—but!: in fact, it’s something of an art, one that requires proper technique and timing. Whether you have indoor potted plants or outdoor garden plants, knowing how to water them correctly can make all the difference in their health and growth.

Read along below for some incredibly useful plant watering tips that you can try out this spring season to ensure your plants look—and feel—radiant!

Check the Soil Moisture

The best way to determine if your plant needs water is to check the soil moisture. Gently stick your finger in the top part of the soil and check for humidity. If it’s still wet, it means the plant has enough water for now. Be sure to check below any decorative moss that may be covering the soil. Generally, plants in smaller pots may need more frequent watering due to the smaller volume of potting mix. Consider using a moisture meter for larger plants to accurately gauge when to water.

Water All Around the Plant

When watering your plant, make sure to water all around the plant, not just in one area. Watering around the edges of the pot where the roots gather will ensure even saturation and help the plant develop more evenly. This will also reduce stress on the plant and promote healthy growth.

Use Room Temperature Water

Avoid using water that is too hot or too cold. Room temperature water (around 68ºF) is ideal for nutrient absorption and prevents shocking the plant with extreme temperatures. Keep in mind that plants like to be comfortable too!

Use the “Bottom Watering” Approach

Bottom watering is a technique where you let the plant’s bottom half soak in water instead of pouring water from the top. This allows the plant to absorb water from its roots as much as it needs and leave behind any excess. Experiment with bottom watering by letting your plant soak in a few inches of water for a couple of hours up to one day, and observe how the water is absorbed by the plant.

Avoid Overwatering

Overwatering is a common error that can lead to root rot. When roots are constantly surrounded by water, they can’t get the air they need and start to decay. To avoid overwatering, use well-draining potting mix, pots with drainage holes, and water your plants in moderation. Allow soil to dry between waterings, and occasionally lift the plant from its decorative container to ensure it’s not sitting in standing water. (Note: If you’re still feeling unsure about specifics, don’t sweat it too much; just keep in mind that it’s actually better to err on the side of underwatering, as it’s easier to revive a thirsty plant than a waterlogged one.)

Closing Thoughts

As we’ve seen, watering plants is more than just pouring water into a pot. It requires careful attention, and certainly a bit of the ol’ TLC. -But, by following these plant watering tips, you can help your plants to flourish—to thrive!—during the spring season and beyond. Happy gardening!

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